We are a team of experienced, knowledgeable and passionate communications professionals. We believe that, in today’s increasingly competitive and complex world, success belongs to those who dare to be different, bold and creative.
We put our complementary expertise to work for organizations facing a variety of challenges: See our services
Our skills
We offer informed, incisive and strategic consulting services, based on comprehensive research and in-depth analysis.
We develop and implement communications strategies so you can achieve your goals and produce concrete results, all while staying on deadline and on budget.
Our values
Our team is composed of professionals whose expertise, creativity and passion are matched only by their dedication, efficiency and sound judgment. Our every move is guided by the highest standards of professionalism and integrity. Ultimately, only one thing matters to us: providing you effective support that contributes to your success.

Our network
We believe in the strength of our networks. We work closely with affiliated firms who can respond to the North American and international needs of our clients. This network of partners, which includes large and small firms, allows us to implement communications programs beyond Québec and Canada.
Massy Forget Langlois Public Relations is also a founding member of the Alliance des cabinets de relations publiques du Québec, which brings together the major agencies in the industry.
The members of the association must be audited regularly under the supervision of the Public Relations Chair of l’Université du Québec à Montréal, in order to obtain an A+ rating.
Massy Forget Langlois has maintained this rating since joining the alliance.
We’re extremely proud of the awards we have received since 2011 from the Société québécoise des professionnels en relations publiques (SQPRP) and the Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS)!
SQPRP 2021
- The Platinum Award, Prix d’excellence stratégique (Strategic Excellence Award) in the Campagne sociétale (Public Service Campaign) category, for Culture Montréal’s elections campaign.
CPRS 2020
- The Gold Award, Canadian Issues and Crisis Management Campaign of the Year, for the Soutenons les Petits Chanteurs du Mont-Royal. The project also received the Gold Award for the Best Non-profit and NGO Campaign, and the Gold Award for the Best Use of Media Relations – Medium Budget category.
- The Gold Award in the Employee Engagement/Internal Communications Campaign of the Year category for the Videotron Helix launch.
- The Silver Award, Best Publication, for Lassonde Annual Employee Report 2018.
SQPRP 2019
- The Platinum Award, Prix d’excellence stratégique (Strategic Excellence Award)—the highest distinction—in the Gestion d’enjeux et communication de crise (Issue Management and Crisis Communication) category, for the Soutenons les Petits Chanteurs du Mont-Royal. The campaign also received the Public Relations Grand Prize, selected by the jury president, the presidents of the Strategic Excellence and Tactical Excellence awards, the president of the SQPRP, a member of the board of directors and a jury member.
- The Gold award, Prix d’excellence stratégique (Strategic Excellence Award) in the Programme global de relations publiques (Overall Public Relations Program) category, for the Videotron Helix launch.
- The Silver award, Prix d’excellence stratégique (Strategic Excellence Award) in the Programme global de relations publiques (Overall Public Relations Program), for the Trudel Alliance Réinventons Fleur de Lys public relations campaign.
SQPRP 2017
- The Gold Award, Prix d’excellence stratégique (Strategic Excellence Award) in the Programme global de relations publiques (Overall Public Relations Program) category for the Boulange des Campagnards’ 2016 annual public relations campaign.
- Josette Massy-Forget, founder of the consulting firm, received the Distinction en consultation Award from the Alliance des cabinets de relations publiques du Québec for her high-quality professional performance and her personal commitment to the field.
SQPRP 2016
- The Gold Award, Prix d’excellence stratégique (Strategic Excellence Award) in the Programme global de relations publiques (Overall Public Relations Program) category for Boulange des Campagnards’ 2015 annual public relations campaign.
- The Gold Award, Prix d’excellence stratégique (Strategic Excellence Award) in the Programme externe de relations publiques (External Public Relations Program) category for Dairy Farmers of Canada’s 2015 Canadian Cheese Grand Prix (Québec).
- The Platinum Award, Prix d’excellence tactique (Tactical Excellence Award) in the Événement (Event) category for the Federation of Québec Maple Syrup Producers’ 2016 Maple Festival campaign.
CPRS 2016
- The Gold Award of Excellence, Best Writing Projects category, as well as the Silver Award of Excellence, Best Internal Publications category, for Lassonde’s 2015 Employee Report.
SQPRP 2015
- The Gold Award, Prix d’excellence stratégique (Strategic Excellence Award), in the Programme externe en relations publiques (External Public Relations) category for Dairy Farmers of Canada’s 2013 Canadian Cheese Grand Prix (Québec);
- The Gold Award, Prix d’excellence tactique (Tactical Excellence Award), in the Rédaction (Writing) category for Lassonde’s 2014 Employee Report.
SQPRP 2014
- A Platinum Award, Prix d’excellence stratégique (Strategic Excellence Award) in the Campagne sociétale (Public Service Campaign) category for La rue des Femmes’ Vers une troisième maison 2013 Launch Campaign.
CPRS 2013
- The Gold Award, Prix d’excellence tactique (Tactical Excellence Award), in the Rédaction (Writing) category for Lassonde’s 2012 Employee Report.
- The Silver Award, Prix d’excellence tactique (Tactical Excellence Award), in the Évènement Event) category for Dairy Farmers of Canada’s 2012 Nutrition and Health Symposium.
- The Silver Award, Prix d’excellence tactique, catégorie Programme global de relations publiques (Tactical Excellence Award, Global Public Relations Program Category) for the launch of the P$ Mobile Service application.
- The Gold Award of Excellence, Canadian Marketing Communications Campaign of the Year Category, for the launch of the P$ Mobile Service application. The Bronze Award of Excellence, Best Print Projects Category, for Lassonde’s 2012 Employee Report.
SQPRP 2012
- A Platinum Award, Prix d’excellence stratégique, catégorie Campagne sociétale (Strategic Excellence Award, Social Marketing Category) for the Ton influence a du poids 2011
- The Silver Award, Prix d’excellence tactique, catégorie Rédaction (Tactical Excellence Award, Writing Category) for Lassonde’s 2011 Employee Report.
- Josette Massy-Forget, founder of the consulting firm, was given the Yves-Saint-Amand Award for the high-quality of her professional activities and personal commitment toward both the profession and its emerging members.
SQPRP 2011
- For the Brother André Canonization campaign:
- Gold Award in the in the Campagne sociétale (Public Service Campaign) category, which recognizes a public relations campaign that benefits a company, organization or cause with a social focus.
- Silver Award, Prix d’excellence tactique (Tactical Excellence Award) in the Rédaction (Writing) category.
- Approximately 750 public relations professionals voted to award the Prix Coup de coeur (Favourite Award) to this communications campaign.