Editorial policy

Massy Forget Langlois Public Relations (MFLPR) welcomes you to its new digital sharing zones! We are pleased to discuss the latest news, our driving passions, and the communications, public relations and social media practices that have caught our eye.


Follow Massy Forget Langlois Public Relations on Twitter at twitter.com/mflrp, and share your thoughts directly with the MFLPR team. You’ll also find each team member’s address in their respective data file. We look forward to exchanging with you!


Massy Forget Langlois Public Relations is also on Facebook! Come check us out at www.facebook.com/mflrp to learn more about our latest insights and get an inside look at a public relations firm. Employees will also use this forum to share their most recent recommendations and discoveries.


Massy Forget Langlois Public Relations’ LinkedIn page will keep you up-to-date on the firm’s new developments and the latest news in the communications world. Sign up now to stay in the loop!


Follow us on Instagram for the latest on what MFLPR and our clients are up to! Feel free to tag us: @massyforgetlangloisrp.


Massy Forget Langlois Public Relations is also on YouTube, where we post our latest videos. Whether we’re gearing up for a launch or a jet set soirée, the MFLPR team will be more than happy to give you the lowdown on our activities!

Rules of conduct

In order to ensure friendly dialogue and encourage respectful, enriching and fun exchanges, we ask that you please abide by the following rules.

  • Show respect in all your comments, whether they regard the opinions of other users or a given individual or organization’s reputation.
  • Respect intellectual property in all shared content.
  • Remain transparent in your interactions by identifying yourself at the beginning of all conversations.

Massy Forget Langlois Public Relations reserves the right to remove any comment it deems inappropriate intone (slanderous, discriminatory, heinous, vulgar, obscene, etc.), frequency (message posted repeatedly) or nature (contains confidential or malicious information, etc.).